Laban the greatWHY CAN’T I TALK THE SAME WAY I DO IN MY MIND?Have you ever experienced that moment when you’re having an internal dialogue, rehearsing what you’re going to say in your head, and it all…May 5May 5
Laban the greatBiggest Mistakes People Make When Choosing A Life Partner: Keys to a Successful MarriageOne of the reasons people actually marry, and this is built into marital vows is, “ I am not leaving, ever, no matter what “. This usually…Jun 7, 2023Jun 7, 2023
Laban the greatStop Being Undisciplined: How Delayed Gratification Can Lead to a Meaningful LifeIn my language discipline means making sacrifices because you are not disciplined if you just do something you want rather than something…May 16, 20231May 16, 20231
Laban the greatFinding a Path Out of Depression: The Power of Structure, Purpose, and Self-NegotiationWhen depressed, my first advice is to try and get antidepressants because, if it drives you to death, there is no way you can be helped…May 11, 2023May 11, 2023
Laban the greatHow To Change Your Miserable Life: Finding Meaning in LifeIf you wanna know something about yourself, just sit on your bed one night and say this to yourself,” Well, my life is not everything I…Apr 28, 2023Apr 28, 2023
Laban the greatResponsibility Is A Mans most underrated skillAs a man, always allows for the possibility that you have something important to contribute to the world and that the world would be a…Apr 26, 2023Apr 26, 2023
Laban the greatThe Shocking Reason Why Men Today Are SingleI will begin by saying that, Men use the image of female perfection to motivate themselves and that is right, and we see that in the toms…Mar 4, 202311Mar 4, 202311
Laban the greatBad Habits that Ruin Your Future & The solutionLife is tragic and difficult but there are always some stupid things that you can do that could make it worse than it has to be. That’s…Feb 9, 2023Feb 9, 2023
Laban the greatWhy As A Man you should be a MonsterWell everyone is always saying, “ you should be harmless, you shouldn’t do anyone harm, you should sheath your competitive instincts, you…Feb 6, 20231Feb 6, 20231
Laban the greatwhy Comparing Yourself Has Bad consequences and The SolutionAlways compare yourself to who you were yesterday not to who someone else is today, mainly because you need your own hierarchy of…Feb 5, 20233Feb 5, 20233